I’m Ryan Yachere

Over the past decade, I’ve also had an interest in art. Started off as a simple hobby to now being a career to express my creativity and imagination for the world to see and admire.

#Photoshop, #Illustrator, #Photography, #InDesign, #Traditional, #Digital

I was born on February 5th, 1998 and have been raised in Mays Landing, New Jersey since then. I’ve been interested art ever since Kindergarten, but it was more of a hobby back then. I actually wanted to be a chef! Maybe it was from all those kitchen set ups they made for kids back then, but I was interested in learning how to cook and be a chef. As I got older, I lost interest in being a chef and then turned towards learning more about the weather. I loved watching Storm Stories and a variety of other weather-related shows that showed how storms developed, the destruction they cause, the elements and so much more. A kid can dream!

When I moved up to eighth grade in Middle School, that’s when I took an interest in art. Of course I was introduced to anime so that drew me into the art field. As I progressed into High School and first year at my local community college, I began developing different types of art using different formats other then pencil. I started using programs such as Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Paint Tool Sai, and a few other programs to create art. I’m starting to develop work such as posters, websites and illustrations as well as cartoons. Eventually, I hope I’ll be able to progress further in the art field and be able to, one day, develop my very own cartoon and comic illustrations! It’s a large stepping stone, but it’s not impossible!